domingo, 22 de octubre de 2017

Palmeritas de BACON-QUESO y MIEL 🍃🍯//🍴 BACON-CHEESE and HONEY palmiers


^^ This is a very very easy recipe but very yummy as well, I hope you like it!


- 1 egg
- Bacon
- Cheese
- 1 Puff Pastry sheet🍞
- Honey

🍯 🍴Recipe:

1ª Heat the oven to 200°C. Beat the egg in a small cup with a fork.
2ª Unfold the pastry sheet on the table and add the bacon and cheese.
3º Starting at both sides, fold the pastry toward the center.
4º Cut in slices (not too wide)
5º Brush with the beaten egg.
6º Bake (200-220ºC) for 25/30 minutes or until the pastry is golden brown.
7º Add honey and.................:D FINISHED!!!!


Y hasta aquí todo por hoy... Espero que os haya gustado y gracias por la visita :)
¡Nos vemos!

And that´s all for today! I hope you like it and thanks for visiting my blog! :)  
See you!

Cristina ◕‿◕

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